Engineering is a very popular branch of study for undergraduate courses, and job market for engineering graduate can be divided into two main streams,

  1. Core Sector Jobs
  2. Non-Core Sector Jobs

Core Sector Jobs are jobs which is available in engineering main branches and it applied business fields. And Non-Core Sector Jobs can be described as jobs available, Non-Core Engineering Fields. Let’s understand this with an example: Civil Engineering is an popular applied engineering sector, and a job of Junior Engineer will be considered as Core Sector Job at the same time Sales Executive in a civil engineering field company /organisation will be considered as Non-Core Sector Jobs. Similar examples can be sited for other engineering branches as well. Actually this definition can be extended to any area of studies but for todays discussion we will take engineering as our example field.

Now that we have understood the difference between Non-Core Jobs and Core Sector jobs then let’s try to explore about reason for salary difference between the two, as we know Non-Core Sector jobs offers a better compensation than Core sector jobs.

Demand Vs Availability: lets continue our example of Civil Engineering, Demand for civil engineers to design and Construct a building/civil project is limited to engineers per projects, but in recent times its is observed that companies are preferring Civil Engineers in non-core field like sales of the projects as having knowledge of civil engineering make them more equipped and polished in selling the projects. At the same time more engineers want a job in Core Sector and reluctant to join in a non-core sectors which make situation in favour of high packages for NON-Core sector jobs.

High Growth of Technologies and functional Dependability on engineers. As we all are living in a technology driven environment, we must understand that interdependency to engineering departments is also increasing. To help non technological departments to understand is also very important for organisations to achieve success. That’s why Engineering hiring in Non-Core fields has increased and packages are also higher.

Versatile nature of New Age Jobs: as Job responsibilities has merged into one another and one person needs to wear various caps to perform well in his career. That is another significant reason for hiring a person with varied knowledge (such as engineers) to have a more equipped workforce.

If we see colleges campuses have also witnessed the trend of change in Jobs from Core Sectors to more on Non-Core Sector Jobs, and engineers who are working in NON-Core sector jobs sometimes find it more exhilarating to work in a varied environment.

For all of the above reasons packages in Non-Core Sectors jobs are dearer than core sector jobs.

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